The numbers are not encouraging. There are over 1 million new Amazon sellers that start every year, but almost all of them end up quitting. In today’s episode, we unpack ten common reasons why this happens, and hopefully in the process of laying these hurdles out, help you avoid them in the future!
Learning from your mistakes is part and parcel of any new endeavor, but if you can learn from the mistakes of others, you are ahead of the curve and can save yourself a lot of time, money, and trouble. In this podcast episode, we talk about the importance of knowledge, inventory, number-crunching, tools, outsourcing, patience, consistency, accountability, and a plan! Whew, that’s a lot to take in, but if you can keep these things in mind you may just be able to earn a full-time salary from part-time hours, and isn’t that what we all want? Join us today on the Full-Time FBA Show!
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Key points from episode 15:
Common mistakes can be avoided by learning from others and becoming a smarter seller.
- A lack of knowledge and unfamiliarity with the Amazon guidelines is a quick path toward failure.
- Why having enough inventory is crucial.
- Crunching the numbers correctly can help you avoid damaging your profit margins.
- The importance of using the right tools to make the most of Amazon.
- Burnout and overwhelm can be overcome with the power of outsourcing to extend your time.
- Avoiding debt and steering clear of bad practices around credit will help you grow your business on a solid foundation.
- Understanding that Amazon is a long game will help you resist the feelings of impatience and help you avoid quitting.
- And much more!
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
- Free webinar: Double My Inventory
- Free Wholesale Formula Workshop
- Amazon Guidelines
- InventoryLab (get a month free with this link)
- Scoutify sourcing app
- Keepa (price and sales rank tracker)
- Free Keepa training video
- MeetUp
- The Full-Time FBA Facebook group
- The Full-Time FBA Resources
Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer.
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Episode 16 Transcript:
[0:00:01.8] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Full-Time FBA Show. In each episode, it’s our goal to help you turn part time hours into a full-time income, selling almost anything on Amazon. Now, your hosts of the show, Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman.
[0:00:21.8] REBECCA: Welcome everyone, we’re so glad you’re here with us today for our newest episode of the Full-time FBA show. We are here to talk about selling on Amazon FBA and our main purpose for this podcast and for every other thing that we do at Full-time FBA, is too help you learn how to turn part time hours into a full-time income selling through Amazon FBA.
We hope that you’re able to listen to this show and all the others that we do, make real great progress towards turning part time hours into a full-time income.
Today, it is me and my cohost, Stephen.
[0:00:58.1] STEPHEN: Yeah, I think that’s the first time you’ve ever called me your cohost.
[0:00:59.8] REBECCA: I know, last time you called me that, now I’m calling you that. I don’t know why… –
[0:01:04.3] STEPHEN: We’re such dorks.
[0:01:05.4] REBECCA: I know. Just had never thought about that, we’re cohost, goodness. Anyway, today, Stephen and I are here talking to you about why Amazon sellers quit selling on Amazon and how to learn from those people’s failures. I’m going to say, how to learn from those failures. That sounds bad. Not that the people are failures, the things that they did turned out to fail.
[0:01:27.4] STEPHEN: Absolutely, because as Zig Ziglar says, “failure is an event, not a person” and so we need to remember that. The events in our lives can be failures, you as a person are not a failure. Today, we want to focus on how you can be a success as an Amazon seller and overcome the failures of others and learn from those lessons and take the steps that you need to take to ensure your own success.
But before we do that, I want to remind you that this is Season 2, we’re on episode 16 of our podcast and just want to remind everybody, we’re going to be continuing to make podcasts that are going to drop every Monday for the rest of the year, last time we took a break for Q4, just because we thought everyone would be really busy but then the feedback we got from you all were like, “Where’s the podcast, we need the podcast I don’t care if I’m going to do it in Q4 business, I still need the podcast.”
We’re going to continue to post the podcast and continue to make really good interviews and give you more resellers strategies and stories. They’re going to drop every single Monday and we’re excited to do that today.
[0:02:30.6] REBECCA: Our topic today as we were saying, why Amazon sellers quit selling on Amazon and how we can learn from their failures at FBA. I have to admit, when I first saw this topic, Stephen, when you told me this is what we’re going to talk about today, it seems kind of depressing to talk about failing.
Especially at the beginning of the year, I know we’re already a month into 2020 but we’re still fresh, we’re still excited about our goals for the year, maybe some new year’s resolutions that you’ve got or goals for the year either personally or business wise. We’re still pumped and going on that but to bring in to all of that excitement, the topic of failure just seems kind of a downer so why are we talking about this right now? Where are we going with this?
[0:03:16.8] STEPHEN: That’s a really god question. I’ve heard one person say before that a smart person learns from their mistakes but a really smart person learns from the mistakes of others and so we want to help you avoid these mistakes and to avoid making these mistakes so you can be a smarter, more successful person. Our goal in this are for you to take home the lessons that will help lead you to success.
You know what? We’re going to talk about both sides of the Amazon seller journey, we’re going to talk about the awesome good home-run opportunities and the great things like that but we’re also going to bring the reality because you know, there are some hard times that you might face, there are some speed bumps you might face along the way but you know, if you have the marathon mindset that this is – you’re in it for the long haul, then you’re going to find success at the end of that journey by sticking with it.
Yeah, we’re going to talk about the mistakes and how to overcome them. In fact, honestly, probably each one of these mistakes could be its own podcast episode so there might be some of these we might visit in more detail if you’re like, I wish he would have talked more about that, that might be a podcast episode in the future so be looking for that.
[0:04:17.8] REBECCA: Okay, let’s get started with, you’ve got a list here, you’re always a big list maker when it comes to doing the podcast or blog posts, you’ve got a list of 10 different ways that contribute to an Amazon seller failing at their business and so we’re just going to go down this list and talk about each of them. Get it started with the first one that you’ve got here.
[0:04:41.4] STEPHEN: The first one is a lack of knowledge, whether it’s not reading through Amazon guidelines or whether it’s not reading through Amazon’s newsletters which you know, give you updates on Amazon guidelines and terms of service, there’s some people who don’t really know what they’re doing or they think, I’m going to sell in Amazon, it’s going to be just like eBay.
No, Amazon is a completely different animal than eBay and there’s a lot of things that are setup for an Amazon seller that might cause you to have a lot more roadblocks if you don’t know the guidelines. There’s that, there’s also the fact of – there’s so many free YouTube videos out there that people like to listen to and blog posts and that’s important for you to do but what if it’s outdated information, you want to make sure you looked at the date to see when that post was last updated or when it went live so that you’re following the most recent information. The lack of knowledge is something that can contribute to your failures.
[0:05:33.3] REBECCA: Okay, yeah, lack of knowledge, that’s something that is actually pretty easy to solve as a problem, if you don’t have knowledge, all you need to do is find that knowledge so that you can correct that problem and move forward being more of an expert in whatever it is that you need to get done.
[0:05:50.2] STEPHEN: Yup.
[0:05:52.4] REBECCA: Okay, the second thing that we’re going to be talking about, about why an Amazon seller might quit their business is lack of inventory. That seems pretty basic, talk to us about that.
[0:06:02.7] STEPHEN: Yeah, you definitely need inventory to sell in Amazon in order to make profits on Amazon but there’s some people out there who seem to not be able to find that inventory or maybe not find that inventory often enough. Amazon sellers have a phrase called ‘feed the beast’ and the beast is referred to Amazon and if you continue to feed the beast then the beast will reward you and so, sending in Amazon inventory is really important.
In fact, later this year, we’re going to have a webinar and if you want to go ahead and sign up for it, you can, you go to and I’ll show you the ways and strategies that I use that helps me have a larger inventory. So there’s people out there who just aren’t sourcing often enough or finding inventory and not committed to the process and so that lack of inventory causes you not to see the results that you’re looking for and you end up quitting.
[0:06:53.6] REBECCA: That’s great that we got the webinar coming up in some point in the future but also, if you can’t wait until the webinar, next week’s podcast is going to be along the lines of this topic as well. If you’re wondering how to find more inventory, we’re going to be talking about that on next week’s podcast episode and be sure you’re subscribed so you get a notification when that episode is ready for you.
Okay, the third item on your list. Reasons why Amazon sellers quit selling on Amazon. Lack of profits. Duh, I mean, that’s a good reason to quit.
[0:07:24.9] STEPHEN: Yeah, actually, you know, I got an email from a subscriber before and they were saying, I crunched all my numbers at the end of the year and basically, I just turned out and broke even and I’m like, you crunched the numbers at the end of the year? I mean, that’s something you need to kind of know ahead of time and so, it’s really important for you to know your numbers.
One of the best ways that I’m able to understand my numbers is that I use Inventory Lab and I’m able to punch in my buy cost and the store that I purchased at, I’m able to do the research to make sure I pick the right pricing and so many different things and I can run reports that show me which categories are more profitable, which stores are more profitable, which stores are more profitable and it helps me to better focus my inventory.
Then of course, using Keepa. Keepa being the service that tracks sales rank history and price rank history for almost every item on Amazon, just helps me make better decisions of things that are going to be profitable, buying items that don’t tank in price. Knowing your numbers is the only way for you to ensure that you’re going to be profitable.
[0:08:22.0] REBECCA: Right. Also, just along those lines, it’s not just knowing how much am I going to sell this for and what does it cost. Also knowing the Amazon fees. You’d be so surprised how many people don’t know what the Amazon fees are going to be before the buy an item of inventory. They see, this item cost this much at Target and it sells for this much on Amazon. Okay, I’ll buy this and I’ll try to resell it.
They’re just not even thinking about what are the fees going to be on this. That’s another big way that you just aren’t going to make any profits if you’re going about your business that way.
[0:08:55.2] STEPHEN: Yeah, that leads us to number four of why Amazon sellers quit selling on Amazon, is not using the proper tools or not using tools at all. Like I said before, Inventory Lab is a big help where you can run reports but when it actually comes to retail arbitrage sourcing, I use the sourcing apps Scoutify instead of Amazon’s Free Seller app because while both apps will give you the Amazon fees that are going to be coming out and you can kind of know ahead of time the Amazon fees.
That’s really important for you to know but there’s other things that Scoutify does that helps me make really good decisions like getting a quick link to a Keepa graph that you can easily install into the Scoutify app and knowing the sales rank percentage based on the relation and it is to that particular category size and so many other different options that you can use with Scoutify that helps you make better sourcing decisions. It helps you know your numbers a lot better, if you use the right tools.
[0:09:46.3] REBECCA: Okay, that was number four, not using the proper tools or no tools at all, let’s look at number five on your list here. What is another way that Amazon sellers are setting themselves up to fail at their business and be tempted to quit?
[0:10:04.4] STEPHEN: Yeah, one of the easiest ways to quit Amazon is you know, you feel overwhelmed, it’s because you’re doing everything yourself. It could lead to burnout, it could lead to exhaustion, everyone loves starting a business and everyone enjoys those beginning stages and it’s almost like a honeymoon period where you’re excited and nothing gets you down.
After a while, if you continue to do things all by yourself then it just becomes a burden and it’s just not scalable, you only have enough time in your day to do so much and you can’t multiply your time but the only way you actually could multiply your time is to outsource. Outsourcing is a huge component of a success plan on business.
I mean, that’s what FBA is, selling via fulfillment by Amazon, that’s outsourcing, you’re outsourcing your shipping, you’re outsourcing your storage, you’re outsourcing the organization, you’re outscoring the customer service, the return process, so many things you’re outsourcing. That’s a good step one but there’s so much other that you can outsource in your amazon business if you go to and just search the word outsource or outsourcing, you’ll find a lot of help when it comes to that topic.
[0:11:14.7] REBECCA: Yeah, that’s something that you know, we’ve been doing this for several years and our goal at full-time FBA is to teach other people how to use part time hours make a full-time income but we are still ourselves constantly looking for ways that we can outsource tasks in our business. Every day, I think about what I’m doing in my business.
Do I need to keep doing this or is there somebody that I can hire to do this for me and free me up to do other things in my business? Outsourcing is a huge component of success, doing everything yourself, is – I mean, it’s a step towards possibly failing at your business.
[0:11:49.2] STEPHEN: Absolutely, Jim Cochran says, “Only do what only you can do,” and once you figure that out, the only things you need to be doing, trying to outsource the rest is awesome. I mean, outsourcing your prepping is good, you can see someone to go sourcing for you, you can outsource your Amazon back end handling that kind of stuff when it comes to feedback and different things trying to fix it through seller centrum Amazon.
[0:12:12.5] REBECCA: Reimbursements.
[0:12:13.3] STEPHEN: Yes, reimbursements. Can outsource all of that and that’s just the tip of our tongues, thinking about ideas, there’s other things that you can do to outsource to free up your time to focus on what’s most important.
[0:12:23.1] REBECCA: Okay, let’s look at number six. Another reason why Amazon sellers end up quitting is that they use debt, what does that mean? Using debt?
[0:12:31.2] STEPHEN: Well, you know, when you’re borrowing money to grow a business and unfortunately, this is something that’s encouraged by a lot of banks and commercials and businesses, there’s a lot of things that can go wrong and I just think that using debt is way too risky of a strategy to try to grow your Amazon business. When you use debt, you’re using someone else’s money. When you’re not using your own money, you might take more risks, you might buy inventory that you probably wouldn’t have if you were using your own, limited money.
While you grow your Amazon business little slower, when it comes to not using debt, the fact that you are ensuring a more secure future for your Amazon business is way more important than trying to grow faster. Because what happens when things go wrong? Your Amazon account gets suspended for a reason that’s your fault or even not your fault and all of a sudden, all your inventory is frozen in Amazon and the debt collectors start to call and you still owe that money but you can’t sell that inventory, you can’t even get it back because they’re – It’s suspended and you’re having to deal with Amazon in that and you got that whole stressful situation.
[0:13:32.4] REBECCA: Not just the inventory but possibly a disbursement, you might have had many that was accumulating there, waiting for your next disbursement and you don’t have access to that, you’ve made sales already but you can’t access the money from it.
[0:13:44.3] STEPHEN: Absolutely. There’s just so much that can go wrong and we just want to save you from that instance of being in that situation where your money is tied up or actually, someone else’s money is tied up there, asking for it back and you can’t get anything going at all.
[0:13:59.0] REBECCA: And suspension is that is an extreme. That’s something that happens to small number of sellers that they might get suspended and ended up not having access to their inventory or their funds. There are any number of other things that could happen that could mean that you would end up having to pay back. You would be responsible of paying back debt on inventory that you haven’t sold. I mean you might end up becoming restricted on an item and not being able to sell it.
And get the money to pay back the debt. You may end up buying something that looks like a great deal at the time and then the price tanks and you are not ever able to sell it at the price you were expecting but you still owe the money. You know there is so many other things that could happen that would cause you to not be able to get the money back on the investment you have made and not be able to pay back the debt whether it is a loan or a credit card or whatever else.
[0:14:49.2] STEPHEN: Yeah and this whole topic is one we probably get the most fight back on. People will always say, “Well you know it worked for me at this point,” or, “Hey, if I just leverage this then I can grow my business faster.” And you know, I know it works for a small percentage of people but the fact that it is risky, I just don’t think we would be good stewards of our platform to teach people to use debt to try to build their business.
[0:15:12.8] REBECCA: Yeah and what I always say when people try to explain to me even though I already know how to leverage debt, I know and I understand the concept. I disagree with it and so when somebody tries to explain to me yet again why it is a good idea to leverage debt to make money on a business, my response is it is a great idea and it works well until it doesn’t work. That is our hang up with it. It’s not that it can’t be done but that there are times when it back fires and it is too risky to even encourage even trying.
[0:15:41.8] STEPHEN: And when things go bad, people quit selling on Amazon and that is our topic for today. So number seven reason why people quit selling on Amazon is that they don’t have the patience. They get very impatient and they’re like, “I want to be growing faster. I want to get negated for all of these other categories or sub-categories or brand faster and it is not going fast enough” here is something to remember, Selling on Amazon is a long game.
You need to have the marathon mindset. We talked about that earlier, having that marathon mindset that this is going to be a long process but in the end, it is going to be amazing and there is going to be bumps and bruises along the way, roadblocks, speed bumps but it is possible to overcome those and I know some people can fall into the comparison trap when they don’t have their patients. They see other people bragging online on Facebook about their successes.
About what they are able to find in a particular store or posting screenshots of their sales numbers and things like that, by the way in our Full-Time FBA Facebook Group, we don’t allow those types of brag posts. I know it is inspiring for some but a lot of people see that as a downer because they fall into that comparison trap. So I don’t want you to do that. I want you to understand the long game because how does a snowball work?
It starts at the top of the mountain. It starts small but it continues to gain momentum and be huge by the time it has hit the bottom of the mountain and so if you are just starting out, you are just a small snowball. It is going to take some time to get into that momentum but it is possible. So just play the long game and that will be a lot better way that you can ensure that you are going to be selling Amazon for years to come.
[0:17:14.7] REBECCA: That’s right and let’s see if we can mix our metaphors somewhere here and say – no I am saying you got the snowball metaphor going and as you were talking I was thinking about having the marathon mindset and that we are not trying to sprint. I guess there are some people who start selling on Amazon purely because they want to make a bunch of money and Q4 one year but I would think that most of us are looking to play more of a long game with Amazon.
And so we have to view it as a marathon and not a sprint. We have to train hard for the long run mentally that if I have a bad sales day today that doesn’t mean that my business is over. It just means I didn’t sell a lot today. If I had a bad sales week or even a month because I mean we are here to say last year is hard for us as a family. We had some stuff going on with our family that made it difficult at times for our business and we had in August-September of last year.
Some of our worst months in years as far as sales go, but we were able to keep going and pull everything back up for the end of the year and we ended up having our best sales year ever, even though we had this really bad month there in the middle. So it is possible to overcome a short term failure and keep going as long as you have that marathon mindset. This is not a sprint. This is not, “Do everything I can and be successful every week of the year, every day of the year.” But overall, can I be successful.
[0:18:41.2] STEPHEN: Absolutely and it goes hand in hand with the next thing that causes Amazon sellers to quit and that’s the lack of consistency. One of the biggest things that consistency brings is confidence and so if you are not consistent with your sourcing. If you are not consistent with dealing with your returns, if you are not consistent with monitoring your feedback, if you’re not consistent with so many different aspect of this business then it is going to lead to a lack of confidence, which will lead you closer to failure.
[0:19:09.5] REBECCA: That’s right and I was working on a course that we got coming out in a few months. Earlier today, I was working on that and putting together some materials about being consistent and putting together some ideas about how to build consistency into your sourcing routines because that to me is one way to build success into your business, is to develop some habits. To develop some consistency and, I am going to source from this time to this time every day.
And I am going do or I am going to source this number of times per week. And if you build that kind of consistency into your business, over time, you will see progress. When it seems like, “Oh I have sourced three times this week and I haven’t found that much.” But when you look at I have sourced three times a week for two months, you will be able to see better. “Oh I have really put a lot of hours into this and I can see the progress I have made in this amount of time. I am finding more inventory. I am finding it quicker than I was two months ago and I am doing a better job at finding stuff that is profitable.”
But if you are not consistent, if you are just haphazard and slopping around at what you are doing then you are not going to see that progress or you will see it but not as quickly.
[0:20:17.5] STEPHEN: Right and what is the old saying? If it doesn’t get scheduled, it doesn’t get done. So be sure to schedule it out, organize that. One of my little goals for the year so far has been to do more Facebook Lives in the Full-Time FBA Facebook Group. Well, I have been inconsistent. You know why? Because I didn’t schedule it.
So what did I do today? I put it on the schedule so now it is going to happen and you’ll be able to see more Facebook Lives in our Facebook Group. And if you want to join that and that consistency with anything in life is going to help you get closer to success.
[0:20:49.5] REBECCA: So speaking of the Facebook Group that leads perfectly into point number nine on why Amazon sellers quit selling on Amazon because they don’t have any accountability and they feel alone in what they are doing.
[0:21:02.6] STEPHEN: Yeah just that whole aspect of solitude really after you start and things start to get hard, can really bring some people down. I mean some people love the idea of just working for themselves but again, if you don’t have a boss pushing you or if you don’t have someone else keeping you accountable, a lot of times things can fall through the cracks and it can feel lonely.
Anytime I tell people I say quote and quote in real life that I sell on Amazon, you know there is not a lot of people that I know that can relate to that and so it is always cool when I go to reseller conferences and meet people and I am like, “Oh my gosh I am with my people.” Well, I can’t go to a reseller conference all the time, so the next best thing is a Facebook Group where you connect and hear people’s stories, learn about their trials, how they have been able to overcome them. Learn about their successes, ask questions together.
Brainstorm ideas and we do that in our Facebook Group. I will give you the link again, and you can join our group and have more of that community and you know if you’re not a Facebook person, you can actually search online for local meet ups. If you go to and look into your city or your zip code, you might be able to find some Amazon reseller or even just some entrepreneurial meetups where you can meet with other people who are starting businesses or doing the things that you are doing.
[0:22:17.6] REBECCA: All right and so that brings us to our last point of the podcast, why do Amazon sellers quit selling on Amazon and the last point that we are going to cover is that they don’t have a plan, so they end up failing.
[0:22:31.1] STEPHEN: Yeah, so anything in life, you need a roadmap. You need a plan to know where you’re going, how you’re going to get there because if you don’t have a plan and again like we talked about before, if you are not scheduling things, you are not going to have the focus to get things done. One of the acronyms that I like is the word FOCUS, follow one course until successful and so that course could mean the path that you are on or it could even mean a course that you got online.
Following that course until you finish it and you are finding success, you know we have our own courses at Full-Time FBA. If you go to you will see a list of our courses that are available to help you along the way but the main thing is just to keep moving forward and follow that plan, so that you are able to get things done and find that success that you are looking for.
[0:23:17.1] REBECCA: Okay, well that about wraps it up. We think we have covered the main reasons why people would end up quitting their Amazon business. And hopefully you were able to listen to this and think of ways that you can avoid doing the negatives and that you can do more of the positive aspects of what we covered in your FBA business. We don’t like negativity or a scarcity mindset. We are an abundance mindset at all times at Full-Time FBA.
And so we hope that we were able to present these things to you in a way to point you towards a positive direction, point you towards resources that you can use to find success, point you towards a mindset that gets you thinking in the right direction, gets you planning in the right direction and helps you to know the best ways to turn part time hours into a full-time income with Amazon FBA and to find success as a business person.
[0:24:09.3] STEPHEN: So yeah, if anything we talked about today causes you to fear failure more than to feel encouraged that there is a way out, I just want to remind you again there is an answer for all of those fears and again, we might go into more depth on these topics in a future podcast and we look forward to talking about that with you.
[0:24:26.3] REBECCA: That’s right, none of these things that we talked about are things that are out of your control. All of them are things that you absolutely have control over. So there is nothing to fear about it. If you have a lack of knowledge, you have control of that. You can find out the answers. If you are not using the proper tools you have control of that. Find the tools and start using them. So none of these should be things that hold you back from moving forward in your business.
[0:24:52.4] STEPHEN: Right and I want to remind you before we go that if you are interested in learning how to sell via wholesale on Amazon, selling wholesale items, buying from manufacturers to sell on Amazon at your retail store on Amazon then I got a workshop for you. It is going on right now, there is only a few days left to get it. So if you are listening to this, you want to be sure to go to
It is absolutely a free workshop that is going on. It is pretty exciting, some of the strategies that I have been working for these people and how you can start selling wholesale items on Amazon as well. If you happen to be listening to this after the wholesale workshop has already closed down because they only open up about once a year then just go to that same link, You can sign up for the wait list so you don’t miss out on the next time that the door is open.
That’s it for this episode. Next week we are going to be talking about like we said before, how you can find some inventory to add to your Amazon business and especially if you have little to no money, these inventory sourcing ideas are going to help you find stuff with little to no money to add to your Amazon FBA inventory and give you a nice little boost.
[0:25:59.8] REBECCA: All right, it’s been a great time talking with you this week and we look forward to being back with you again next week. If you want to find out more information about any of the things we have talked about in this episode, if there is any links you are looking for or you just want to see the transcript of this episode, be sure to check out, that is the number 16 and that will take you to the show notes for this episode.
[0:26:24.4] STEPHEN: Yep and if you have a second, we’d love a review. If you go to then you can rate and review the show and we would appreciate that.
[0:26:32.5] REBECCA: All right, we’ll see you next week.
[0:26:34.0] STEPHEN: Have a great week everybody.
[0:26:37.5] ANNOUNCER: That is all for this episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. So head over to, where you will find the show notes and links from this episode. While you’re there, subscribe to our newsletter where you’ll get several free downloads of our popular and helpful Amazon FBA resources.
Now, take action on what you have learned today, so you can find success at turning part time hours into a full-time income with Amazon FBA.
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