Wholesale sourcing does not have to be so hard. Most people who want to get into Amazon wholesale selling have met with the same old methodologies. But on today’s show, we’ll discuss a different formula for getting wholesale on Amazon right, which includes a simple, tried-and-tested model for reverse wholesale sourcing.
Today, Stephen interviews Dylan Frost from The Wholesale Formula. Dylan, together with his business partner Dan Meadors, has achieved impressive results and is now teaching others the secrets to his success. Dylan shares how Dan first introduced him to wholesale on Amazon and how he soon felt confident enough to leave his day job, which was becoming increasingly unfulfilling. Dylan discusses how their formula differs from the traditional approach, the steps newcomers should take to get started, what kind of time you should be prepared to invest in the early days, and why it can be as simple as finding one good wholesale account to potentially change your life!
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Key points from episode 43:
- Hear what Dylan was doing when he first discovered the opportunity in wholesale.
- Why now is the best time to start adding wholesale to your Amazon business.
- A breakdown of the simple first steps to getting started with wholesale on Amazon.
- How their reverse wholesale sourcing formula differs from the traditional approach to wholesale.
- Learn how much time beginners needs to invest versus experienced wholesalers.
- Dylan talks about people needing only one solid wholesale account to potentially change their lives.
- Several examples and stories of people who have achieved fast success in this space.
- Something to keep in mind: while the concept is simple, the wholesale journey is not easy, but requires hard work.
- Advice about the best ways to think about rejection (from some wholesale brands) and competition in the world of business.
- Dylan encourages people with a reminder that making money is about providing value – and how that is the key to gaining more wholesale accounts.
- And more!
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Discover the Secrets of Profitable Wholesale Sourcing

For the longest time I wanted to add wholesale to my Amazon business. I had actually gone through 3 different wholesale courses to teach me how to do it. Each time I went through a new wholesale course I would try what was taught, but I kept coming up empty. It was extremely frustrating… then I scheduled a phone call with Dan Meadors from The Wholesale Formula. That conversation opened up my eyes to things about wholesale I never thought about before (and was never taught). I took his advice and began to find multiple wholesale accounts. Not only did I find wholesale accounts, I was actually able to successfully land the wholesale accounts.
Would you have wanted to listen in on that conversation? Unfortunately, we didn’t record the call, but Dan and his team have created something even better: a free webinar series focused on successfully adding wholesale to your Amazon FBA business. The content in this free video series is the same content that I heard in my phone call with Dan… and more!
Unfortunately, this free webinar series is currently closed, but if you want me to tell you when the doors are open to the free wholesale workshop again, then sign up for the wait list where I’ll email you the moment the free wholesale workshop videos are available again. This free video series that will open your eyes to what is possible with selling wholesale items on Amazon, so take a moment, and sign up for the wait list.
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Episode 43 Transcript:
[0:00:01.8] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Full-Time FBA Show. In each episode, it’s our goal to help you turn part time hours into a full-time income, selling almost anything on Amazon. Now, your hosts of the show, Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman.
[0:00:21.5] REBECCA: Hello there and welcome to the Full-time FBA Show, this is episode 44 and we are so excited to have you listening with us today. Stephen has an interview today with Dylan Frost about reverse wholesale sourcing and we think you’re really going to love this interview, it is super helpful, has a lot of great information in it about wholesale sourcing, in particular, reverse wholesale sourcing and so you’re going to want to listen all the way through this one, maybe take some notes as Stephen goes through this.
Dylan is a million dollar wholesale seller, that’s hard to say, wholesale seller and so he’s got a lot of experience, a lot of great tips and be sure and listen all the way to the end.
[0:01:03.7] STEPHEN: All right, I’m excited today because I’m here with Dylan Frost and we are going to be talking wholesale and I’m excited because Dylan’s been one of my wholesale mentors and has helped me and taught me a lot about doing wholesale, both in person and I guess not in person. That’s how cool video is, you feel like it’s in person when it’s not. Some of the videos that you put together, walking through things, the helping with wholesale. You know, via video and also with webinars and courses and things like that so I’m glad that you’re here, how’s it going today Dylan?
[0:01:38.6] DYLAN: It’s going great, I’m thrilled to be here, excited to talk about something that I love doing.
[0:01:43.8] STEPHEN: Absolutely. I am too. Let’s just jump right into it, how did you first discover wholesale? What were you doing and how did you come across wholesale as an option when it comes to selling on Amazon?
[0:01:55.1] DYLAN: I got started in wholesale because Dan drug me into it. He kind of discovered the specific opportunity and the specific strategy that we do today called reverse sourcing wholesale. He had done the original old version where we would call the traditional version of wholesale and didn’t have a ton of success with that.
And then he kind of discovered the model that we do and I’m sure that we’ll talk about here today called reverse sourcing wholesale and then it started working really well. I’ve been friends with Dan for a really long time and he drugged me into the business, he started explaining it to me, telling me all about what he was doing, how the success that he was having and dragged me in and brought me on as a partner for his business so that –
Because he had faith in me that together, we could really grow and scale and have a lot of success. That’s’ how I got into it originally. I was working a regular job, regular day job, working IT at a community college and when he presented this whole concept of selling on Amazon to me and in this particular fashion, it all made so much sense and I said yeah man, absolutely. I’m all in, I hate my day job, I’m ready to let it go.
I started working with him while I was still working for a little while until – we had fast success that enabled me to leave my job pretty soon, just a few months after starting together doing this.
[0:03:18.4] STEPHEN: That’s pretty awesome. You’re talking about Dan, it’s Dan Meadors, right?
[0:03:23.6] DYLAN: Yeah, Dan Meadors.
[0:03:24.4] STEPHEN: Yeah. For all of you listening on the podcast. I’ll have him as my guest next week so you’ll be able to hear some of his story next week on the show. You said you saw the light, you saw the profitability when it comes to wholesale and a couple and once you were able to leave your job. Why do you think like fast forwarding to now and today, why do you think right now is a really good time to start adding wholesale to Amazon business?
I know you did that in the past years ago but why would someone right now, why would wholesale be an answer for them to consider adding to their Amazon business?
[0:04:03.8] DYLAN: Amazon, as time has gone on, keeps changing policies. I’ve been doing it for a while now. Every year, they keep implementing and changing more and more policies to make what seems like every single style and strategy of selling on Amazon harder, except one, and that is selling products wholesale.
From an arbitrage perspective for years, they’ve made it things more difficult for you to sell licensed product or be approved in certain categories to sell those products with those restrictions or that restriction. There’s IP infringement that are floating around, right? That doesn’t exist in wholesale because you are genuinely approved to sell any products that you want.
All categories are open for you to sell in because the approval process is to provide wholesale invoices which of course, you always have. From the perspective of private label, it’s been made more and more difficult, not only by the competition of other private label sellers but with policies that Amazon implements based around how you can get reviews and things like that, that make it harder to compete and harder to get started there.
Time in Amazon have just made and demonstrated that wholesale really is what we believe to be the preferred business model by Amazon. It’s how they want their sellers, any of their sellers to be approaching the marketplace and it’s been pretty clear. Whether we’ve been lucky because that’s what we got into or whatever you want to call it but that, it’s worked out very well.
[0:05:32.6] STEPHEN: Yeah, last year, my wife and I were invited to go to Seattle to an Amazon selling partner summit and it was really awesome but one thing I realized when I was there with the verbiage that they used and the way that they were explaining things. I was like, they’re talking mostly to wholesalers, they’re not using retail arbitrage language or online arbitrage language. Those are still valuable ways to grow an Amazon business but the people who are most up top and they call them Amazonians, their language was mostly to people who were either doing private label or wholesale.
I just start just kind of opened up my eyes again to just kind of how most Amazon top up people think. They think people are mostly sourcing inventory to the way that they do, they reach out to companies and wholesale account and buy in bulk and sell them in Amazon.
[0:06:24.6] DYLAN: Right, that’s what I’ve always said is it’s the same business model of Amazon. That’s their business model, they identify brands and products and they buy them in large quantities and resell them and that’s what they want other people to do. Yeah, you’re copying, you’re mimicking that business model. Amazon’s business model themselves.
[0:06:43.4] STEPHEN: If someone wants to start doing wholesale on Amazon, what are like the simple first steps that – what do they need to have and how do they get started with that?
[0:06:52.8] DYLAN: First thing is, to know how to identify a product, how do I identify product opportunity, what you’re looking for. That was something that, and I can’t take credit for this again, this is Dan that was able to develop this but we developed or he developed rather, a formula, kind of like a mathematical formula that you can use to go on Amazon and identify what would be a potentially great product opportunity for you. This was – I’ll start by now explaining the difference in how we operate and how we’ve been able to have success and kind of what their traditional model of wholesale has been.
The way that it works for a lot of people who still do this is they wanted to sell products on Amazon. What they would in wholesale. What they would do is they would first identify wholesale companies or distributors. These are big companies that carry, it’s not hundreds and sometimes thousands of different brands, products and you can order from them in wholesale quantities at discounts.
You would identify some sort of wholesaler and you would go through there catalogs of product and inventory and you pretty much have to go line by line to check, okay, what is this product, what cost can I buy it for and if I sold it on Amazon, what is it selling for in Amazon, how much profit could I earn, is the product even selling? Is it even worth carrying? You would have to just do that and it would take literally forever.
It would take an eternity to do this. You could even use things like software to speed up the process so that you cold go buy and go through hundreds of lines pretty quickly and still it was a long, tedious process because they were so few products that you could find that were even decently profitable.
Another problem was, when you did find a product that was decently profitable, there was a good chance that four or five other people also found it about the same time you did and they also bought it so now there’s more competition, less sales and sometimes the price degraded when you got it. It was like, just planning a constant game of whack a mole. It was very hard.
You could have these good opportunities sometimes but a lot of times, you would buy things and just break even or not make any money off of it all, it’s frustrating. Dan, in all his frustration one day was looking at something on his desk, he was just staring at like a little widget that was on his desk and he’s just like, why can’t I buy this? Why can’t I just pick up the phone and buy this directly? I just want to buy this thing and he was just like – wait a minute, I haven’t tried that yet.
That was like the inspiration al moment for him. What he decided is instead of going to a wholesaler and looking to see what they carry and what may be profitable amongst what they carry, he said no, not going to do that, I’m going to go to Amazon and I’m going to see what’s selling well on Amazon and devised a system for looking at Amazon sales rank on products and some other factors that we use to determine how often a product sells and how often you could sell it, which is part of our formula, what we call our wholesale formula for identifying products.
He figured that out, so he went to Amazon, he would find products first that were selling really well that he wanted to sell and then, instead of going to a wholesaler or distributor who are middle men, who buy from the manufacturer themselves and then resell it to you, he said, nope, I’m going to call the brand owner, I’m going to call the manufacturer directly and try to buy it from them directly at direct prices and open up a direct account and just bypass the middle man, wholesalers and distributors.
That’s what he did and the first time he ever tried it, he just called up and looked up the company’s contact information on Google and called them directly, had a chat on the phone and opened up a direct account. It actually was like kind of by accident, that wasn’t even his intention when the very first time that he did it. The very first time that he did it, he called the brand directly because he just wanted to sell their product, he wanted to know who carried their products.
When he called them, he asked, who are your distributors so that I can buy your product, I want to be able to sell it on Amazon or whatever and they told them well, they’re these people but you could just buy it direct from us. He was like, I can what? He didn’t even know. His solution was, I can find the products I really want and I can call them directly and figure out who the distributors were but they old him no, you can just buy it direct from us and he was just like, okay, but how many do I have to buy?
Because then he was suspicious, he thought they were going to sell yeah, you know, $50,000 worth of units or whatever and they’re like no, our minimum order is 200 bucks kind of thing, you know what I mean? It was just like my gosh, it was a complete revelation. Now, from that day forward, our business model has been, identify great selling products on Amazon and then call the brand owner directly to open a direct account with them and that’s what it’s been every since.
[0:11:51.9] STEPHEN: Yeah, that’s called the reverse wholesale method or reverse sourcing and that’s what really clicked with me because before I came across the wholesale formula that you were talking about, before I came across that, I took multiple wholesale courses, I took video courses, I read books on sourcing wholesale for Amazon and they all told you the same thing.
Go to trade shows, go search for the companies and get the accounts and then get their catalog and so you get this phone book sized catalog where you get this spreadsheet or whatever or PDF spreadsheet and just takes so much time to go through and not even knowing if you’re going to find a winner but hearing from you, look for the winners first and then go get those relationships with the wholesale accounts, you know, it’s a game changer and so all these other whole sale courses that I took, teaching me the hard way which maybe not the hard way because it was easy to do, it just wasn’t successful. It was a none successful way.
I feel like that’s the way most people try to search, what percentage do you think are actually doing a reverse wholesale when it comes to trying to do wholesale on Amazon?
[0:13:02.2] DYLAN: Very low, I would imagine it’s les than 10%, it could be less than five or even 1%.
[0:13:09.1] STEPHEN: Yeah, it was like no hard data but that’s not what I believe too. Most people that I’ve come in contact with, I mean, if most of the people who were trying to teach it are teaching this way that didn’t work for me, and didn’t work for a lot of other people and then I came across you all and in the wholesale formula and it taught me something completely different and I actually started to see results and I continue to see results, you know, I learned about the wholesale formula back in 2015 and so I’ve had to – years of wholesale accounts and reordering monthly and it’s been a complete game changer.
I know whole sale is a game changer for you all as well. How much time do you think it takes to grow a wholesale business in the beginning and then tell me a little bit about what your whole sale business is like now and how much time.
Think about how much time a beginner would need to invest and then after you kind of start learning it, how you can start to kind of afford some of the things that, or offload some of the things and how much time do you use on your wholesale sourcing now?
[0:14:10.0] DYLAN: Yeah, for several years now, we’ve been helping and teaching other people how to do this and showing them and I’ve got to see just so many people succeed and so many different ways. The thing that stands out to me about it is it really, for a lot of people it only takes one account, it really only takes one account to totally change your life.
There’s just so many examples and representations of that. Cheryl Brightman, her first major wholesale account is an account that she still has today here four or five years later after she got it and that first wholesale account generates about a quarter million dollars in profit per year for her.
Because she was able to get the exclusive for this company that has several super high velocity products and built a great relationship with them. Emerick Manalo was another student that stands out to us of really, it was just one account, he just said, it wasn’t his first account but it was one of his first accounts that was able to generate significant income for him and then he went on to sell the rights to that whole sale account which is very interesting story, he sold the rights to that wholesale account.
He didn’t sell his business necessarily, he just sold the rights to that wholesale account that he had because he was effectively the exclusive seller of the product and he sold that those exclusive rights for over $400,000 like two and a half years after he had acquired it.
I see all of these stories and it’s fascinating so it’s possible that you can have super-fast success and that you can have super-fast success and that you can have overwhelming, life changing success, Trent Dyrsmid is another example that comes to mind of working with him. He was able in his first year of selling, he was able to hit $300,000 a month in sales and then beyond now, he’s tremendously successful.
He’s happy to brag that his income at the end of the year is over a million dollars a year, it’s fantastic what he’s been able to do and so I’m telling you that there are all these stories that people that have had this fast success but I also want to caution everybody that success looks way different for other people because everyone is different, everyone’s situation is different. I’ve seen those people with super tremendously fast success.
I’ve seen people with slow success. I have seen people that you know, start learning wholesale or maybe they enroll in our program and learn and do coaching with us and they don’t earn a dollar for a whole year, it takes them a whole year or some people enroll and they take it really slow and it’s because it’s at their own pace, it takes a certain time, right?
Naturally, we also see people that have no success at all, whether that’s their own fault for not taking the time in investing energy to doing it or they just had difficulties for one reason or another, right? That’s the reality of it, that’s the realistic way to look at it is business isn’t always for everybody and anything that in life that is worth doing is going to be hard, and this is no different.
Our business model, the reverse sourcing wholesale business model, I hope that I never go on record to tell anybody that it’s easy. I may say that it’s simple because it is a simple concept but it’s nothing in life worth doing is ever easy. I think that’s important for everyone to remember and always take away in this sort of thing, you got to put the time and effort and energy into it just like everything else but the cool thing is, that it’s a real proven business model that’s used by Amazon and Walmart and you know, multimillion dollar companies like ours as well and many of our students.
So, it is a proven successful model that has been around for a long time of direct sourcing and doing that reverse sourcing. You just have to put in the time and energy and effort you can have results of a lot of different speeds and at your own pace really.
[0:18:14.2] STEPHEN: And definitely, the thing that stood out to me the most is like it is not easy but it is simple and anything that is worth doing, it is going to require hard work and that hard work is going to pay off if you put the time and effort into it. One of the things that most people that I come in contact with when dealing with trying to do wholesale sourcing is they send us the hardest part is reaching out to wholesalers who say, “No, I am not accepting Amazon sellers or I am not accepting new Amazon sellers.”
So what would you say to people who deal with that road block? And I say road block that’s their perspective. It’s a road block. I personally think it is a speed bump to get over but what do you say to people who see that as a roadblock?
[0:18:57.7] DYLAN: Yeah, it is neither. I don’t see it a roadblock or a speed bump. I see it as the reason that the model can be successful at all. That is funny to say or it is interesting to say so let me describe it. It is going to be a long story to describe it but we will get there eventually.
So, when you think about just business opportunities in general that a lot of the exists and many people have seen many business opportunities and they have seen a lot of scams and they have seen a lot of fly by night stuff.
So the reality of the situation is if you are interested in a business model or a business opportunity because it avoids competition, then it is not a real business because that is not what bus – we live in a capitalist society whether you like it or not. This is the United States of America and the whole foundation of capitalism is built on the concept of competition. So if you find or identify a business strategy or a business model that attempts to avoid competition entirely then it is a fleeting, limited time opportunity that you cannot build a long-term successful business with.
You may be able to make some quick money until the competition comes. So I like to help people understand that right? Because when I turn into what you are talking about, people identify and have difficulty or struggle with the idea that when you reach out to brand owners a lot of times they aren’t interested in working with you or they are already working with some other people or they don’t want to talk. So it turns a lot of people off but that is literally why the business can be successful for you.
It’s because it turns away many people leaving you with the opportunity where if you do follow through and you do figure out how to convince these brand owners to want to work with you, well then it’s more valuable because if they told 99 people no but they told you yes, it’s a significantly better opportunity. So the idea that it is hard or that there are challenges is what makes it a successful model in the first place because so many people are trying to do it and they’re doing it poorly.
It is an opportunity for you to do it well and be very successful. So I hope that makes sense and I hope I put it into perspective but yeah, like you have to learn to overcome those challenges in any business to succeed, there are always challenges but your success is about your ability to overcome challenges.
[0:21:31.7] STEPHEN: Yeah that makes perfect sense and I know that the upcoming wholesale workshop webinars that we have scheduled coming up soon are going to answer a lot of the questions because I know with going through the free wholesale webinars that we’ve got planned and taking a look at what is on tap for everybody, what they are going to learn, seeing how to turn those nos into yeses is a big focus of that and I know in the wholesale formula that is what I have learned that has helped set me apart from other sellers.
The rest of the competition who are just calling these wholesale companies or e-mailing these wholesale companies and saying, “Yeah, I would like to sell your products? Can you send me a spreadsheet of your inventory?” There is nothing memorable about that. There is nothing that the wholesale company or the representatives is going to be like, “Oh I want to work with those guy” it’s like give me, give me, give me but I know we’ll get into this in the webinar and we will give you a link to all the listeners how they can sign up for the webinar in just a moment.
But all of this has really help me see how I could be able to serve the wholesale companies and the brands to be able to get those nos turned into yeses and it’s revolutionary in my own Amazon business and like you said before, just one account could completely change someone’s life just one wholesale account. You know I know with my own wholesale accounts there’s very few that I focus on all the time and continue to reorder but yet I am still able to make full-time income with only part-time hours focusing on that.
And so I am just able to put in a few hours a week and continually reorder and continue to see those sales and it has been life changing.
[0:23:22.9] DYLAN: Yeah it is frontloaded work for continued results, right? So all the time and energy to get a good wholesale account where you first identify and then to work with the brand to convince them to let you be one of their authorized Amazon retailers that is where all the work is. That is all the time in it but once you have the account and you do the work with the brand that you promise them but after all that’s done then you just have this profit machine.
That doesn’t really require you to do much other than order and send it in, order and send it in. So it becomes almost like a form of, I hate this term. I don’t love the term passive income because no income is truly passive but it becomes a form of passive income we’ll say that, which is really nice it is not that there wasn’t work that was involved. There is plenty of work in trying to get the account but after the account was required you have this nice level of reoccurring revenue, reoccurring income for you that is great.
Yeah, I love that part of it and that aspect of it and that is part of the reason why it is so scalable it is because one you have a cool – it is not like something that maintains this high level or work for you to maintain right? And you could have that good wholesale account and now it is the time for you to get the next one and the next one, created opportunity of scale for you and that is how you are able to go from a five-figure business to a six figure business to a seven figure business to an eight figure business is that opportunity of scale.
[0:24:41.7] STEPHEN: Yeah and the opportunity is amazing. I am seeing personally in my own Amazon business. I am seeing a lot of other students from the wholesale formula seeing that with them. If you are listening to this and you’re like, “Where can I get some more information?” very soon we are going to be having a wholesale workshop. We are going to be having a couple of webinars where we’re going to walk you through how to find those wholesale accounts.
And then we’ll focus on how to land the wholesale accounts, how to actually get those wholesale accounts. So if you are interested in signing up for that, you can go to fulltimefba.com/wholesaleworkshopwebinar. You can sign up for the webinar and you’ll see when it is. If you happen to be listening to this sometime in the future after the webinar is played that that link will forward you to a wait list and let you know when we do this again.
Because it is really important for you to know that the wholesale workshop webinar that we are going to be doing are going to be limited time. You need to make sure that you are there watching and there is going to be a very short window, which will be able to do it because we really feel like those who are going to actually show up and invest their time are going to be the ones that take action. If you left this webinar up year-round then people will just put it off because it is always there.
So we actually want to give you some scarcity so that you realize this is something you need to jump in on.
[0:26:03.3] DYLAN: I’m going to interrupt you, the reality of it is like the information that we are going to share a stuff that I don’t – that we don’t like floating around in replays, you know what I mean? The stuff that we are going to share is some – I mean I want to give it some examples here. What we are going to share is our actual wholesale formula. That formula that you can use to go on Amazon and identify product opportunities. We are going to show you some real live product opportunities.
Many real live product opportunities and give you examples and then also teach you how to find some of your own and then we are going to show again, stuff I don’t really want floating around all the time on the internet for free. We are also going to show you specific strategies that we use to convince brands to let us be one of their authorized Amazon retailers or in some cases even their exclusive authorized Amazon retailer, right?
So that is some of the things that we are going to cover and yes that is another reason that it is a limited time opportunity is because the stuff that we share is too valuable really for us to leave it up all the time for free.
[0:27:03.5] STEPHEN: Yeah absolutely. So again, fulltimefba.com/wholesaleworkshopwebinar and I am really excited about that. Dylan will be there and Dan will be there and it is going to be a good time. So be sure to go and sign up for that. Before we go Dylan, any last words?
[0:27:21.2] DYLAN: Yeah, I think so you were talking about some stuff in it. It just helped and came over me and I wanted to share. So for me with business right? Everyone, anyone that is listening that has a full-time job, I was there. I was with you and I despised it. It was one of those situations where I hope none of the people that I used to work with are listening but I just felt like I was working with a lot of people and a lot of people that were my bosses or in charge where I was working were I just felt like I was smarter than them.
I could do their job better than them and it frustrated me greatly that there was no way where I was there was no way I could move up without just time, right? The only way I can move up in the company was if I just six years later there may have been an opportunity to bought my pay up for three or $4,000 and it was frustrating but I knew, I knew that I had to make a change. I had to something for my own mental health and my own family’s wellbeing.
I had to try to find a way to earn more money. I wasn’t educated, I didn’t have a college education. So try to find a different job wasn’t going to be the way. The only way I could do it was through business and I don’t think I would have ever gotten to where I am now if it wasn’t for this, if it wasn’t for this little piece of advice that I want to give to you and it was not something I came up originally on my own of course, I saw it online, I read it online and it just one of those things where it grabs a hold of you and shakes you.
And it gives you an epiphany of like, “Oh this is it. This is the key to success, financial success and business success and it is so simple” it was for me and maybe you want to be as profound on people listening as it was to me. It was an explanation about how do you make money, how is money made in this world and money is made by you providing value to someone and they pay you money in exchange for that value and I just had never heard it put in that kind of way.
It’s like how do you make money? How do you earn money? You have to provide value to someone and they will give you money in exchange for that value and that changed the way that I looked and thought about everything forever. So now, so always when I work in our business we are always thinking how can I provide somebody value. That’s what it all comes down to is if you are always – if you are no longer focused, if you get rid of the selfish mindset of “How do I make money?”
And you cut that out and you start thinking, “How do I provide someone value?” and your whole life will change and it did for me anyway.
[0:29:59.6] STEPHEN: Yeah definitely and so when you take the time to get to know what is valuable to that person and then provide that to them it is a game changer in every area of your life. It sounds like something Tony Robbins would say, was that it or?
[0:30:15.0] DYLAN: It was Tony yes, it was in fact Tony Robbins who said this, yes.
[0:30:19.3] STEPHEN: Yeah that’s cool. Well, I just remembered I usually forget to do this sometimes but I always ask my guest three questions to close out the podcast. They’re lightning round questions you can answer them as fast or as slow as you want. I don’t know why I call it the lightning round and give you time to answer but I am going to ask you three quick questions to close us up and then we’ll get out of here. Question number one, what’s your favorite thing to do when you are not working on your Amazon business?
[0:30:44.4] DYLAN: So, right now it is definitely hanging out with my son. He’s one year old, just turned one a couple of weeks ago and he’s just a complete joy to be with and I am treasuring this time. So yeah, definitely that.
[0:30:58.2] STEPHEN: That’s awesome. Next question, what has been a book that you have read recently that is impacting your business?
[0:31:08.4] DYLAN: Oh this is funny whether anyone will believe it or not. I have never read a book to completion in my entire life. I have never read a book. I told you I was uneducated.
[0:31:17.7] STEPHEN: Hey, still doing well. All right, last question what are you most excited about when it comes to the future of Amazon?
[0:31:24.2] DYLAN: Oh man there is a lot to be excited about. Amazon is this year in particularly is on gigantic growth trajectory. A lot of that has been created because of COVID-19 so it is circumstances that are unfortunate but it has moved e-commerce faster into the future than it was already heading. You know Amazon’s growth this year is probably going to be their biggest year in up growth in terms of actual revenue dollars and it probably won’t be close.
Like their growth will be their largest in terms of dollars’ growth by a wide margin. So first of all that is paying all the people that have gone on Amazon or getting on Amazon now are going to experience that growth too just by being a part of it. So that is why now is a great time as any it’s because the world has changed now. The world has totally changed and it will be changed forever from the effects of COVID on the whole planet, right?
More people will be buying things online and doing things online. They are doing it now and that is just going to continue. It is just going to be part of our culture now and nothing is better positioned than Amazon for that. It is the number one market place for goods online. It wasn’t before and then now more than ever, it will continue to be and I am always thankful for that opportunity, Ben and I are because just to be direct it is selling on Amazon is what made us rich.
So we are super thankful for it and that’s why we enjoy being able to share that opportunity with other people too because we came from the middle of nowhere with nothing and we’re able to use Amazon to become successful and so you know, we have been able to do things like this, podcast like this, share it with other people like our webinar that we are going to do and so it’s just always been really important for us.
[0:33:17.2] STEPHEN: Yeah, I am finally thankful that you and Dan sharing your wealth and wisdom and knowledge because it helped change my own life and continue to do so. So thank you so much for that.
[0:33:28.3] DYLAN: Absolutely.
[0:33:33.0] STEPHEN: So it was really cool talking with Dylan today and I really glad that you got to listen in on that conversation. Dylan and his partner Dan have been my wholesale mentors for years and it is just awesome talking about wholesale with them. It gets me excited about wholesale and hopefully gets you excited as well. Again, the link for the webinar, fulltimefba.com/wholesaleworkshopwebinar, be sure you sign up for that.
So that you can take part in learning about how to find wholesale sources and how to land those wholesale sources, how to get those no’s turned into yeses so that you can sell those items on Amazon at the lowest price possible when you are buying it and then sell it for the highest price possible to get those sales. So be sure you sign up for that.
[0:34:21.5] REBECCA: All right and as always, be sure and check out the show notes for this episode, the link for this one is fulltimefba.com/44 and you’ll find the show notes with any links that were mentioned and the transcript for this episode.
[0:34:36.8] STEPHEN: And next week on the show, we are going to be talking with Dylan’s partner, Dan Meadors. They have been putting together the wholesale formula for a while and they are my mentors that have taught me everything that I know about wholesale and so I am not just going to get one sided with Dylan and we’ll also get the other side of the story too with Dan. So be sure to join us next week when we talk more about wholesale sourcing strategies with Dan Meters.
[0:35:02.2] ANNOUNCER: That is all for this episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. So head over to fulltimefba.com/podcast, where you will find the shownotes and links from this episode. While you’re there, subscribe to our newsletter where you’ll get several free downloads of our popular and helpful Amazon FBA resources. Now, take action on what you have learned today so you can find success at turning part-time hours into a full-time income with Amazon FBA.
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