Being an Amazon seller is hard work. It requires a healthy amount of physical labor, and most notably, it consumes so much valuable time. But you don’t have to do everything yourself. As a seller, you can outsource your prepping, packing, and shipping. This will free up some time for you to find new ways of increasing your income even further, and your family will be grateful to have the garage space back!
In today’s episode, Stephen sits down with the founder of My Prep Center, Nathan Bindschatel, to discuss why every Amazon seller should consider using a prep center for their Amazon FBA business. Nathan explains why he chose to open his prep center, the services that My Prep Center offers, and the company’s process for receiving inventory. He also goes into how My Perp Center responds when something goes wrong, like receiving damaged goods. Our guest then dives into the undeniable benefits of using a prep center before explaining what sets My Prep Center apart, how they onboard new clients, the values that this family-run business holds dear, and so much more.
My Prep Center has certainly been the solution to our Amazon FBA prep/pack/ship needs, and with a 25% discount on all My Prep Center services for new clients, they might be the perfect fit for you, too!
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Key points from Episode 199:
A warm welcome to the Founder of My Prep Center, Nathan Bindschatel.
- The services that you’ll find at My Prep Center and what sets it apart from others
- Nathan’s process for receiving inventory and getting it ready for Amazon.
- How he handles the headache of receiving goods that are in poor condition.
- The benefits of using a prep center.
- Taking a look at My Prep Center’s new client onboarding process.
- Why My Prep Centers values integrity, honesty, and client privacy.
- How Nathan builds trust with clients, and how he ensures a seamless inventory process.
- The steps he takes to ensure that Amazon plays no role in damaging his client’s goods.
- Our guest shares the reasons behind My Prep Center’s 25% discount on all services.
Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
My Prep Center’s 25% Discount
- Use the above link to lock in your 25% savings
- Using a Prep Center for Your Amazon FBA Business
- How to Choose a Quality Prep Center For Your Amazon FBA Business
Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer.
We love to do OA (online arbitrage) and have the online stores ship our inventory directly to a prep center. Then the prep center prepares the inventory for us and sends it off to Amazon! We never have to see or store the OA inventory we source, thanks to using a prep center.
If you want to add or improve your existing online arbitrage (OA) sourcing skills, then check out our course: The Reseller’s Guide to Online Arbitrage: Grow Your Amazon FBA Business With Online Sourcing Profits.
With our Online Arbitrage course, you can learn multiple strategies to find almost unlimited profitable inventory online to sell for consistent profits on Amazon.
The course is a combination video course (5+ hours of OA training) and a 100+ page ebook. The videos and book both share the exact same content (so you can pick the format you most like to learn from). The course also comes with six time-saving and money-making bonuses all at no additional charge!
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Episode 199 Transcript:

[0:00:01.8] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to The Full-Time FBA Show. In each episode, it’s our goal to help you turn part-time hours into a full-time income, selling almost anything on Amazon. Now, your hosts of the show, Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman.
[0:00:21.5] REBECCA: Hello there and welcome to this week’s episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. We are on episode number 199 this week. So close to 200 episodes and we are so excited to be talking today with Nathan from My Prep Center.
We have worked with Nathan to prep our inventory for several years now and we’re just really glad that he was able to sit down and talk with Stephen about how he got started in his prep center, and some of the ways that he stands apart in his prep center from other places. You’re just not going to want to miss the details of this conversation because you’re going to learn a lot about just the benefits of using a prep center and also, how this particular prep center might be the solution to your Amazon FBA inventory needs.
So on that note, let’s get started with Stephen’s interview with Nathan from My Prep Center.
[0:01:18.7] STEPHEN: So I’m here with Nathan Bindschatel and we are going to be talking about outsourcing and most specifically, outsourcing to a prep center, a business that helps you prep, pack, and ship, and even more, to Amazon so the Amazon sellers can just kind of let someone else do all that work and you can focus on more profitable things like sourcing inventory and things like that.
Nathan, thanks so much for joining me today.
[0:01:43.0] NATHAN: Oh, Stephen, my pleasure.
[0:01:45.0] STEPHEN: So to get into it, it seems like most prep centers – because there’s over 50 or so in the United States that I know of – started off as Amazon sellers and then transitioned into becoming a prep center. Is that your story as well? How did you start this whole prep center thing?
[0:02:00.1] NATHAN: Yeah, that is literally exactly my story. I started selling on the Internet on eBay in 1998 and then I started selling Amazon in 2006. I got the idea for a prep center in about 2016. So after about 10 years of selling on Amazon, I came up with the idea for a prep center and we started this business in 2017. The way this business started is, selling on Amazon is tough, it’s hard, it’s physical work, but I was also alone.
It wasn’t a true family business, it was just me working hard in stores, in my basement, and all that, and I just got tired. I got burned out, I got thrown around, and it was just time to do something different. So the concept of even becoming a guru or going to a prep center, I’m a hands-on guy. I like to work, like physical labor. So prep center was the right route for me. I also was able to get my family involved.
So that’s cool that we get the whole family involved in the Amazon thing, and so that’s how we got started.
[0:02:51.0] STEPHEN: You and family, and I know at times you got other employees that come in and help, so that’s good. What are the main – I know you got some peripheral things that you offer with your prep center, but what are some of the main services that you offer as a prep center? Before I get into it, the name of your prep center is called, My Prep Center.
So when I talk about My Prep Center, I’m not just talking about the prep center I use. I’m talking about the prep center with the name My Prep Center. I think that’s an awesome name and so I highly recommend My Prep Center. So what are some of the services that you do offer at My Prep Center?
[0:03:27.0] NATHAN: Yeah, so one of the things that we decided to do. Look, anybody can and could put stuff in a bag, can throw labels on products. That is not complicated, it is not hard. Literally, anybody can do that. So what we try to do is offer the extras that you can’t really put a numerical value on, but are tremendously important.
One of the things we strive for most above everything else is communication. What happens is, especially in our world today, and I’ve been saying the same thing for five years, it only seems to get worse. In our world today, communication is thoroughly lacking. Nobody really likes each other, nobody really talks to anybody anymore.
We use social media, you know, we use Instagram, we use text messages, whatever, but a physical voice is not something that we get a lot of interaction with anymore. So what we try to do is, we try to actually make ourselves available to our customers. Like, “Hey, here is my personal cellphone number.” “Hey, here’s our business phone number, here’s Noah’s, he’s my warehouse manager, my son. Here’s his phone number.”
We have our Facebook messenger, text messages, we’re absolutely available to talk and Stephen, you can attest to this. When you first come on board, we ask a lot of questions because this is your business and we want to make sure that we’re doing it right. I know how to preface stuff but we’re all a little bit unique in what we do.
“So, Stephen, I got a question for you about these items that I’m prepping for you. Here’s what I would do, what do you think about that? Is that how you would do that?” And so, reaching out and having those conversations with people I think is one of the things that actually separates us as a service that we offer that not every prep center does.
The other side of this is, I refuse to bring out more work than I can handle. One of the things in business, we all want to grow, we want to make a lot of money. But what I decided that I want to do is, I’m not going to let my customer service falter to the dollar. Dollars will come as I take care of people.
I’ve been a big fan of guys like Dave Ramsey and Zig Ziglar, and I’m openly confessed to be a Christian my whole life. I believe that my source will take care of me as long as I take care of other people. So, that is our whole objective in life is to be the servant leader to our clients, to help them with their business. That’s what we offer.
[0:05:32.4] STEPHEN: Yeah, it sounds like you definitely believe you reap what you sow and what you put into things, things are going to be returned to you as well.
[0:05:40.4] NATHAN: Absolutely, and I think that that is to me, that is just one of those things that we’re lacking in our world today. Everybody’s always out to get mine and I don’t want to say that’s okay because it’s not, but it is the way of the world and there is a counterculture to that. Yeah, I’m going to get mine but I’m going to get it because I’m going to take care of other people and that’s going to help you get yours, and we’re going to be mutually successful together, and I like win/win deals.
I don’t like deals where I win, you lose. I certainly don’t like deals where you and I lose. So I like them better when we can both win and that’s what we try to do.
[0:06:09.7] STEPHEN: Yeah, so when it comes to receiving inventory, I know it’s different because inventory is all different. But, what is the usual process of receiving the inventory to get it ready to go off to Amazon?
[0:06:22.7] NATHAN: Yeah, absolutely. So obviously, we got our FedEx, UPS, DHL, freighters, post office, we get all the normal drop off carriers. They drop off every single day, Monday through Friday. We work Monday through Friday normal business hours, we don‘t work weekends but we have great relationships with all of them. They all know we’re not here on Saturday.
So anything that’s supposed to be delivered, they will just bring on Monday like they’re supposed to. So as everybody drops off throughout the day, they have pallets outside where we leave all that stuff, and then we bring it all in, and then we sort through it at the end of the day. That’s our closing task for the day is, “Here’s the items that we got for today, let’s now make a plan for what tomorrow’s going to look like for us.”
So we’ll receive the several hundred boxes that we get each day. We’ll shelf them according to the client workload or whatever, using our system, and then we analyze what we have. And then, we make our plan for the next day. With the goal, and every prep center says they do this and we really absolutely strive for this, with the goal of things out of our warehouse within 48 hours.
I’m a firm believer in, your items don’t make any money sitting in my warehouse. They have no opportunity to sell.
[0:07:29.1] STEPHEN: Right.
[0:07:29.5] NATHAN: So leaving them here doesn’t do you any good. And I also only get paid when I prep. I don’t have a monthly subscription fee, I don’t have any other fees. I actually send invoices when I prep item. So I like to get paid, so let’s get your stuff out the door. You like to get paid, let’s get your stuff out the door, and that refers back, we don’t bring around more business that we can handle.
If I can’t get it out in 48 hours, then I’m either going to be blatantly upfront honest with you. “Hey, Stephen, I can’t do that. This is going to take me a little longer, can be taking 72” or whatever. You’re either going to be okay with that before you place the order or it’s not going to work and you’re not going to place the order. But we’re not going to surprise you with a, “Oh hey, we’ve always been 48 hours but because of heavy workload, now we got to go longer.”
That’s not fair and we make sure we don’t do that. So that’s all part of our receiving process every day is making sure that we actually prioritized, “Yeah, hey, this one came in two days ago, that absolutely has to go today, we’ll get on that.”
[0:08:22.1] STEPHEN: Yeah, that sounds really good and I appreciate that turnaround as an Amazon seller because yes, the faster it can get to Amazon, the faster it can sell, the faster I can reinvest those profits to get more inventory to send to you and then just – the cycle continues and that’s the best process possible for sure.
[0:08:38.5] NATHAN: Absolutely. That cycle of taking your sales, using it, the profit from that to buy more items, you can do that two or three times in a given month or depending on your payment cycle with Amazon playability, all that other stuff depending on how your payouts work, you can do that a couple of times in a month, that’s awesome.
That’s what you want to do, you don’t want to buy it because also as you buy it and it sits in the warehouse, there’s this thing, this price degradation that happens as other sellers find your product. Now, it might have been worth 18 bucks before but now it’s only 16.95, and then tomorrow, it’s only 14 bucks and then you got the seller who ruins it for everybody at 9.95 and you have to wait ‘till they sell through.
So we try to get it to market as quickly as possible to try to minimize as much of that impact as we can.
[0:09:19.1] STEPHEN: Yeah, I know. One of the things I love about using your prep center is that it doesn’t come to me, I don’t deal with it, someone else deals with it, and I love that. I know when people use prep centers, most of the time, they’re doing it because they’re ordering directly from the brand, doing some type of wholesale orders or they’re doing online arbitrage and they’re having the online arbitrage orders shipped to you.
I had known for many years with online arbitrage, sometimes I get stuff and it’s either the wrong stuff or it’s damaged or – how do you as a prep center, handle situations like that, when something arrives and it doesn’t quite match up or the condition’s not the same as what the seller is telling you to expect?
[0:09:56.8] NATHAN: Yeah, that is absolutely a real problem. You know it. If you bought online before, that’s all part of our process, and if it goes back to the communication that we talked about. It is vitally important that we have timely communication with our clients.
You know, the Google sheet that we use, you tell us what to expect and I’m just going to use an example of, you’re going to order some Under Armour shirt and you’re expecting them to be size XXL and they’re all supposed to be red. Okay, cool. So I open up the box, and next thing you know, I got XXL T and they’re all red.
Well, that is not what you ordered and that is not the same product. To your supplier, “Eh, close enough”, right? But to Amazon, “Yeah, close enough doesn’t work.” So that’s where a phone call reaching out, “Hey, Stephen, you ordered X amount of these things, this isn’t what we got. What you ordered was probably profitable, but this isn’t or this may not be.”
You get to decide that, not us. “Do we still send them in, that’s obviously up to you to decide as the business owner or do we return those?” So we’ll provide you with the necessary images, documentation, whatever it is, and if you do need to return those, that’s fine. We’ll return those for you and we do not charge for that service.
It’s not like you turned around and said, “Hey, vendor, can you send me the wrong product?” You didn’t ask for that. So that’s not your fault, that’s all part of the receiving process. We don’t charge for that, we don’t charge for any part of the boxes or anything. Now, if I got to pay the postage, then obviously, I’m going to charge you for that, send that back in
But if you can get a free shipping return label, you can absolutely email us that label and we’ll send that back for you at no cost. That’s all normal part of the process and that happens to everybody. Obviously, hopefully, not all the time but it does happen.
[0:11:30.7] STEPHEN: Yeah, yeah, that makes sense and I appreciate that you all helped me take care of that for sure and not just saying, “Oh, here’s another opportunity for us to make some money because we’re providing a service” and so no, you understand that yeah, this is a mistake that the warehouse worker made from the place you’re purchasing it from, and it’s something you can easily take care of.
I love those benefits from using a prep center, especially my prep center called My Prep Center. What do you think are some other benefits that people might not be thinking of when it comes to using a prep center or what are some of the best benefits that you can think of using a prep center? If someone’s on the fence on whether or not they’re going to decide to use a prep center, what are some things that would really stand out and benefit them for using a prep center?
[0:12:11.7] NATHAN: One of the biggest things that I had to recognize when I decided to start this business is, my business is a luxury, and I know that. So, I better be excellent at the luxury that I provide. We’re not for everybody, I don’t claim to be. Every business can utilize us but you got to be in the right mental spot to understand what it is that you’re purchasing.
What you’re actually purchasing more than anything else is you’re actually buying your time back. You’re buying your kitchen table back, you’re buying your garage back. That is stuff we all had and we all have this tile or this room that our spouse or whatever wants back because these are – well, some people call it their desk pile, some people call it whatever, you call it lots of different things.
But when you get an item from your vendor and you got four boxes that show up at your house. “Okay, well, I guess, for the next couple of hours, I need to take over the kitchen table. Hey kids, no, you can’t have friends over because I need all of this space, where did I put that tape down again? Oh, awesome, by the way, can you guys help me load this stuff up in the car once it’s all prepped and I got to run this down to UPS? They close at 5:00 so I got to make sure that I get it there. Because I worked hard to get this out today”
That is all stuff that you have to take into account when you actually do your own prepping. So the benefit of using a prep center is you don’t have to think about that stuff. You actually – the hardest part about what using a prep center is, is you have to find it off inventory to keep yourself going.
As people talk to me on the phone and one of the things I’ll say all the time is, really, you have three responsibilities when you are our client and your first one is, you got to find something to sell. I can’t tell you what to buy, I’m not going to give away other clients’ ideas, that’s not fair to anybody. So you have products that you sell, that’s number one as you find them.
Number two is, you use my Google sheet to tell me what you found and then the third responsibility you have is you just get to pay my invoice. That is it, everything else, we handle. We knew all the listing, labeling, prepping, removals of stickers, bundling, all of that stuff and so, really, what you’re freeing up is the time when you do all of that other stuff.
When I say other stuff, and again, just to reiterate the stickers or bundling the packages, that might take you an hour and so what do you value your time at? I don’t know, USD 20 an hour, USD 60 an hour? It doesn’t matter but that’s time that you now no longer have to do that, that you freed up to do literally anything else.
It could be go for a walk with your spouse, it could be sourcing more inventory, it could be you learn to play the flute, it doesn’t matter. It’s literally anything, and so if you’ve got in a spot where you wish you had more time, a prep center might be the right place for you because we can free up a lot of your time.
[0:14:39.4] STEPHEN: Yeah, absolutely. Freeing up your time is huge because you’ve heard the phrase, time is money. If you’re able to free up some time, you have an opportunity to turn that time and work that you’ve freed up by being able to make some money during that time.
I think about it this way, if you’re paying My Prep Center X amount to do all your prepping for you and in turn you’re making 2X during the time that you freed up, then that’s a no-brainer, and that’s what I experienced.
[0:15:08.1] NATHAN: Yeah, so I am going to give you a couple of abstract examples. We’ve got some clients that we’ve had over the years whose goal are to purchase some family fun items, somebody wants to put a swimming pool in their house and they’re doing it. They work their real job – the one they have to go to Monday through Friday, eight to five, they sell on Amazon on the side and they’re exhausted after all of the work that they do, the commute, the nonsense they go through at that job
Then they got to come home, find the inventory and prep it. So in this specific example that’s in my brain is we actually helped that person double their business and then double it again in four months because we simply didn’t have the time to do everything she wanted to do. So her main objective was to get a swimming pool installed for her young son, an in-ground pool.
We were able to help her accomplish that goal within about six months, which sounds insane because those things aren’t cheap but when you take, imagine your business doubling today and then doubling again in six months because you don’t have to actually physically touch the items, that is a concrete possibility if you’re a serious seller that is trying to make this happen, when you get to spend your time and energy focusing on your relationships with your suppliers and finding more inventory.
[0:16:19.7] STEPHEN: Yeah, I’ve heard people tell me before, “I can’t afford to hire a prep center” and I’m like, “No, you can’t afford not to hire a prep center.” If you are consistently sending in inventory to Amazon and you are doing it all yourself, you’re just throwing money out the door because if you’re doing it yourself, you’re choosing not to spend that time making even more, doing more sourcing and stuff.
Sometimes I also hear sometimes people will say, “I don’t want to use a prep center because I don’t want them to see my sources and they’re going to go off and maybe buy the same stuff that I’m selling.” What do you say to people who are worried about that?
[0:16:55.4] NATHAN: That’s a real concern and there are people that lack integrity to do that. There is, absolutely true. I wish it wasn’t, I wish we could all just say, “Hey, don’t worry about that. That’s not a real problem.” You have a real valid concern with that. The question is, you need to be able to trust the people you’re working with that they are not going to do that. How is that trust earned or how is that trust gotten?
It is only overtime and that’s all you can do. So you should be looking for a prep center, whether it would be us or anybody else, just be looking for a prep center that has a tremendous amount of integrity and honesty. One way we can do that and then so people that don’t know us is by interacting with people like you, Stephen, and others. As I stand here and talk to people, they’re sitting in here, I have a conversation with you.
You are obviously willing to risk your reputation based on a relationship that you and I have had. I haven’t done you wrong because if I have, I wouldn’t be sitting here. So yeah, at some point it becomes a trust point. It’s what do I do? So yeah, it’s a real concern but you just got to be able to believe, and I’m not interested in that. And then another side of that is, one way of looking at world is I put a close nest.
Whatever unique product you think you have, if you’ve been selling on Amazon for very long, it’s not that unique. I’m sorry to tell you, it’s not that special. It’s just a matter of time before a Chinese seller, some other competitor, or Amazon themselves jumps on your product and you’ve got to move to something else anyways. Yeah, obviously you want to prolong that as long as possible.
But if you think you have this honey hole that you’re going to be able to ride for the next six years, I’m sorry to tell you, some other people will come on it at some point in time, whether it’s the prep center that you’re using that’s without integrity or whether it’s Amazon, because they’ve got enough stuff going on in their background and they have access to the same suppliers you do, because when you provided them the invoice to get ungated, guess what you gave them?
It’s not like Amazon is here to help your business with that. They are here to make a profit and nothing wrong with that, but it’s a real concern. But it’s almost one of those things that I’m like, “I’m sorry to say it this way but you got to suck it up and deal with the depths you want to happen.” How do we mitigate that? Well, you find people you trust.
[0:18:57.0] STEPHEN: That’s one of the things we teach on our coaching program is that inventory sources, proper inventory sources, they come in waves. They come, they’re profitable for a while, and then they’re not. So we are always looking for other opportunities so that we have enough waves going that there is always just that income flowing in overtime. You also mentioned trust, which is a huge thing.
I know some people will say, “I worry about using a prep center because if they send in the wrong item or if they send in something that’s damaged that looks new or is called new but looks damaged, my personal account could get dinged. I could get my account suspended if too many wrong things happen and I’m having to put my trust in a prep center to do that.” How do you make sure that all those things are taken care of correctly so that people can trust you that they’re not going to get those dings or not get a lot?
Things are going to happen, you’re going to get one or two things that are going to happen or you’re going to get a – a mistake is going to be made, not necessarily that’s going to turn into a ding into your account or a violation or anything like that. How do you make sure that you all are at your tip-top shape when it comes to processing the inventory for the customer?
[0:20:03.0] NATHAN: Yeah, absolutely. So that is one of those questions that again, it sounds like I’m being a broken record here or beating a dead horse or whatever, you know the analogy.
[0:20:11.0] STEPHEN: Yes.
[0:20:11.5] NATHAN: But it boils down to communication again. We all know that Amazon is absolutely always right, always, every time, it doesn’t matter, they’re always right. You can argue with them, you can fight with them, you can write invoices but they’re still right. They may change their mind but if they did it’s because they were right. It’s just the way it works, so things are going to happen and also, we’re human beings.
We do occasionally put the wrong label on the wrong thing, it does happen. But we work with honor and integrity. Again, we mentioned that we were Christians, our goal is to honor God in the work that we do, servant leaders to people. So our whole objective is to do the right work at the right time. So yes, speed matters. Speed is important but more important is accuracy, that is the absolute number one criteria that we have.
Now, I mentioned the family business, and obviously, it’s me and my wife and my two boys. We also have up to eight other employees that we have depending on the workload that we do, and we don’t just hire anybody. People that we hire, we make sure meet our core values. We’re just not interested in people that are coming in here and trying to take care of themselves. It doesn’t meet our work culture.
We make sure, again, any doubts, any questions, somebody orders a blue shirt and what we got is a light blue shirt, we’re not going to hesitate to reach out and be like, “Hey, you wrote blue, we looked at the ASIN, we pulled it up in Inventory Lab, it doesn’t look like it’s blue. It looks like blue and here’s a picture of what I got. Is this the right thing?” And then they’ll be like, “Oh yeah, no, that’s perfect.”
“Okay, cool. Then we’re going to send that in, I just wanted to make sure that was accurate beforehand.” And then – so again, it boils down to that communication. The other thing is there is a certain level of integrity that has to be done in the initial level of prepping. I mean, there are lots of times where we get a box from a vendor that we open up and it’s like, “This box doesn’t look very good. This box is damaged.”
I wouldn’t want to receive this if I bought this. If I am buying a present for my wife and it comes in this box, I’m not going to be very happy about that because it’s not what I wanted. So then I will reach out to the clients or Noah or somebody will reach out to the client and explain the situation. We’ll let them make the decision because to me it may be giftable but to them, it may not be, so we’re going to let you guys decide how you want to handle that.
Another issue of when it comes to that is we all know that Amazon loves to just slap a label on a product and throw it in their Amazon truck and bring it to you. It doesn’t matter what it is, so we do our best to try to make sure that we protect that. So we will try to put things in polybags just to protect them so that Amazon can’t do that. Most people don’t know that you can actually choose this item as a gift when you’re checking out and Amazon will put it in a box.
But if you don’t select that, then they maybe just slap that label on and it shows up at your door with that on it. So what we try to do there is just make sure that they can’t just slap that shipping label on and send it. They’ll do what they are going to do, we can’t stop them but we can do everything we can to protect your product as much as possible.
[0:22:54.9] STEPHEN: Yeah. Well, actually yesterday I got a removal order back from Amazon and Amazon decided to just – it’s an item that was poly bagged. It was two items poly-bagged together and Amazon just decided to put the shipping label on the polybag and ship it off. I just couldn’t –
[0:23:11.3] NATHAN: Yeah, thanks for costing me 80 bucks or whatever it was, right?
[0:23:13.8] STEPHEN: Right.
[0:23:14.0] NATHAN: Thanks for costing me 15 bucks because now it’s worth nothing and I can’t take it back, it’s terrible.
[0:23:18.4] STEPHEN: Yeah. Yeah, the cool thing was, I do know that if it’s a removal order and it’s damaged in shipment, Amazon will at least reimburse me for it but I was like, “Why did you think that was a good idea?”
[0:23:28.7] NATHAN: Well, that’s them hiring anybody and that’s more caring about numbers than caring about service and listen, I’ve been on here a long time as of you. I don’t remember the days when Amazon cared about service. They’ve never been small enough to care about service. But at the end of the day, this is a business or they are a business that cares about their bottom line number, and so we try not to be that.
We try, I know that’s our customer, Amazon, but we try to provide that customer service. We all really want the receipt.
[0:23:57.0] STEPHEN: Yeah, and going back to what we were talking about before with being worried about the prep center making a mistake and hurting your accounts, that’s happened before with me and prep centers before. I’ve used multiple prep centers throughout and I’ve really been thankful for how you and your business has responded. I feel like because of My Prep Center, we’ve avoided a lot of things that could have gone wrong.
If I remember correctly, we’d send in some shoes to sell on Amazon and I’m like, “Okay, these shoes, one of them is a size seven, one is a six and a half” And so you’d catch things like that and you would talk about, “Okay. Well, this item was delivered but it was broken.” And so reach out to the wholesaler and try to get that fixed. So I always appreciated that you are not just trying to just move things through but you inspect the items really well.
You double check, it’s really helped saved us from a lot of dings that maybe some other prep centers will just go through because they’re in a hurry trying to get as much stuff processed as possible.
[0:24:49.1] NATHAN: Just to speak to that for a second, I do still have an active seller account. I’m not going to try and hide that. I do, I don’t sell hardly anything anymore. I don’t need to, the prep center is doing great plus I mean, when you’ve been doing it for 17 years, you don’t just close the account and say, “Oh that was a good run.” I mean, maybe you do but you never know what the world is going to hold, but I still have mine.
It also keeps me up on what Amazon is doing in the marketplace and all that stuff. As long as I, the business owner of the prep center, remember that our whole objective is to not give Amazon any reason to penalize us as sellers. If we do it right, they’re not looking to hurt us.
[0:25:24.4] STEPHEN: Right.
[0:25:24.9] NATHAN: But they’re just looking to make sure that we are following their rules, so we need to follow their rules and so we’re going to do everything we can to make sure that we are following their rules.
[0:25:35.8] STEPHEN: I do want to get to something that is pretty awesome, My Prep Center is offering a very special deal coming up. So tell us a little bit about this deal and/or I’ll tell the people the link where to go to get this deal, but tell me about the deal.
[0:25:48.6] NATHAN: Awesome. Yeah, so first of all, I just want to say thanks for allowing me to sit with you and then answer some questions and I hope this was helpful and of course, obviously, if you have some more unique questions, you can just reach out to us on our website. That will never be a problem, we’re here to answer the phone, answer emails, whatever. So what we’re doing is we’re offering –
Let me give a little logic as to why we’re doing this. Number one thing is the economy is tough right now and we’re living in a world that is really, really hard. We’re all dealing with a lot of things, so most places are raising their prices. Everybody is raising now and employer labor costs are going up, products are going up. What you used to buy for $7 to sell on Amazon for $23, now costs $9. And Amazon flips the pricing area where you have to sell it at $21.
That all happens so we’re all struggling in the real world with real stuff. We decided one way we can help is we’re going to offer a promotion through the end of August of 2023 because I don’t know when you’re listening to this, 25% discount on every service that we offer. That includes the set-up fee that we have, which can be waived in certain circumstances, the volume is high enough.
That includes all of the polybags, all of the bundles in any of the fragile products, whatever it is. This is unfortunately to new clients only, this is an incentive to test the prep center that you haven’t used before and it’s to help you get prepped and ready to go for Q4. So through June, July, and August, 25% on anything. The only thing that I ask is you follow the link Stephen gives you to get to it, otherwise, I won’t know that you did it.
[0:27:10.4] STEPHEN: Yeah and that link is, So you go to that link, it will take you to the page to sign up to get the special deal. And the cool thing is, if you are listening to this in the future, why don’t you go ahead and try that link? There might be another special going on sometime in the future. So again, It will either take you to a special deal or it will just take you if the special is past, it will take you to just the normal sign-up page for My Prep Center.
Either way, this is a great prep center to use to be able to just really outsource a lot of your activities that you are doing right now. You might not even realize how much time you are and I will say it this way, wasting by doing your own prep, pack, and ship. I’ve had a time where one of the prep centers I used in the past, this was years ago, went out of business and I have to do my own prep, pack, and ship for about a month and it was the most miserable month of my life.
So once you start to outsource your prep, packing, and shipping, you never will want to go back and do it again, I promise, and My Prep Center is a great place to go to. So again, the link, We’ll also put it on our show notes for the podcast today.
[0:28:22.0] NATHAN: Awesome. Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
[0:28:23.9] STEPHEN: Yeah. So thanks for hanging out with me today and thanks for answering my questions and maybe sometime in the future, we’ll have you back on the show.
[0:28:30.6] NATHAN: Sounds great, looking forward to it. Thank you, Stephen.
[0:28:32.8] STEPHEN: Awesome. Thank you, I appreciate it.
[0:28:34.3] NATHAN: Yep, yep. Bye-bye.
[0:28:38.8] REBECCA: Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. Not just another episode, episode 199, we’re so excited, almost to 200. So if you want to see the transcript or the show notes from this episode and get any more details about Nathan’s prep center, My Prep Center, go to
[0:28:59.1] STEPHEN: Next week on the show, we are going to be celebrating our 200th episode. I almost said anniversary, we have not been doing that for 200 years.
[0:29:09.3] REBECCA: That’s a long time.
[0:29:10.8] STEPHEN: The 200th episode and we’ve got something special planned, so be sure not to miss next week’s episode of The Full-Time FBA Show.
[0:29:19.7] ANNOUNCER: That is all for this episode of The Full-Time FBA Show. So head over to, where you will find the show notes and links from this episode. While you’re there, subscribe to our newsletter where you’ll get several free downloads of our popular and helpful Amazon FBA resources. Now, take action on what you have learned today, so you can find success at turning part-time hours into a full-time income with Amazon FBA.
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